Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Holy Land Part II (Altar, Bread, Shrine, and Jesus)

In Islam, Jesus (Arabic: عيسى, commonly transliterated as Isa) is considered one of God's most beloved and important prophets, a bringer of divine scripture, a worker of miracles, and the Qur'an gives him the unique title of the Messiah. Muslims, however, do not share the Christian belief in the crucifixion or divinity of Jesus. Muslims believe that Jesus' crucifixion was a divine illusion and that he ascended bodily to heaven. Most Muslims also believe that he will return to the earth in the company of the Mahdi once the earth has become full of sin and injustice at the time of the arrival of Islam's Antichrist-like Dajjal.

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Above is the hieroglyphic translation for Isa the Islamic name for Jesus the Christ. It means "Throne to come" implying Thy "Kingdom come"..

"Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven..."

That motivated me to looked for the word in the Ancient Egyptian language for Kingdom, the only term for kingdom on Earth was Sutenit= meaning Kingdom, royal, the state of being king and Suten which is the Egyptian word meaning Royal linen.

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This is the Ram-God of middle Egypt Lord of Suten-Henen or Khnemu as Her-shef. His name means Kingdom of Strength, Power, bravery and the like. He is also Identified with Osiris.

Henen-su is often referred to in the Book of the dead, and a number of mythological events, like where Ra first rose for the first time when the heavens, and earth were created. Osiris was crowned lord of the Universe, and his son Horus assumed the throne his father left vacant after his death and ascension into heaven. Also when Ra ordered Sekhet to go forth and destroy mankind she started her journey from Henen-su.

The Book of Coming forth by day says
"I am the Bennu, the soul of Ra, and the guide of the gods in the Duat.' In another verse, he says, 'I am pure. My purity is the purity of the Great Bennu which is in the city of Suten-henen."

This city is the same city which is mentioned in the Torah as the City of On, in realtion to Joseph the Vizier and the Temple of On.

If Suten-Henen means Kingdom of Strength, Power, bravery and the like. So, what about the word Sultan then?

Sultan is an Islamic title, with several historical meanings. Historians say originally it was an Arabic language abstract noun meaning "strength", "authority", or "rulership", derived from the Arabic masdar sulṭah, meaning "authority" or "power".

That clearly connects the Arabs with the language of the Ancient Egyptians.

So could Mecca and other Islamic Mosques have been built by Egyptians, or Arabs schooled in the ancient art of hieroglyphics? Is there any evidence of this?

Here is the Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyph for Altar.
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Do you see the Altar to the Solar God on the Dome of the Rock?
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In Mecca rests the most holy site to Islam, the beloved Ka'ba. A sacred rock called the Black Stone rests in the shrine in the middle, just like one that was worshiped in the sacred city of On in the Torah.

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Now look at the Hieroglyph for a shrine or base of a shrine.

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There was said to be many Egyptian Gods in the Ka'ba before Mohammad raged upon them. Abraham is said to have built the Ka'ba with his son Ishmael, in a later blog I will connect Abraham with the 12th dynasty Pharaoh also bearing the name Abraham.

Can you notice these domes built on top of the walls of the Ka'ba. These are three loaves of bread, as in the Jesus's story.


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These are three loaves of Bread, per the hieroglyphic below.

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This connects the Ka,ba with Jesus (Isa) via the Hieroglphics, and the three loaves of bread on the Ka'ba. Jesus is considered a messenger of Allah, it is said that he will return to Earth near the day of Judgement to restore justice, and defeat the false Messiah. Numerous titles are given to Jesus in the Qur'an such as the Messiah. Jesus is seen as the one who came to foretell the coming of Muhammad.

Hieroglyphics cracked 1,000 years earlier than thought by Arab Scholars.


THE THREE LOAVES OF BREAD story is at the web address below.

Thanks to, and in memory of Sankh-ka-Amoun.
Peace Profound

The Roots of the Archangel Names

The Archangel names are Egyptian in nature, as I will show, the Hebrews retained much of their Egyptian heritage, and implanted this sacred knowledge into their Archangel names. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all incorporate Archangels into their respected religions because all three of these religions were born out of the mythology of the Ancient Egyptians. The only difference is that the Egyptians called them the Neteru, and the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) call them Archangels.

Below each respected Archangel depliction is how the Archangel names would have look like in the Egyptian Hieroglyphic script. As you will see the Egyptian translations are synomonus with the Hebrew meanings of the Archangel names. Which supports the Idea that the Hebrew Archangel names were founded by the use of the Ancient Egyptian language, and that the Hebrews were really Egyptians in origin.

In fact, many years latter the Jewish High Priest was forced to leave the temple in Jerusalem and build one in Greek controled Egypt. The Pharaoh at the time funded the whole operation, in what was to be remembered as the Jewish Temple at Leontopolis. This temple on Egyptian soil was used by a vast Jewish community in Egypt for 343 years According to Josephus, between 270 B.C. and 73 A.D.

Let us proceed with the Archangel names and their Egyptian connections.





The Ancient Story of Ra and Isis is essential to the understanding of the Above Archangel RaPhtEl, the link below can take you to it.

The Story of Ra and Isis


This find forced me on a search to find an Egyptian Hieroglyphic symbol for every Proto-Hebrew Script letter known. After a few days, I had found each one, and proven to myself that the Hebrew, and Arabic languages were both born out of the Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics. The oldest Proto-Hebrew script dates to around 1000 BC. The very same (or similar) Proto-Hebrew script is also called Phoenician script or termed an abjad. The Phoenicians are credited with spreading the Phoenician alphabet throughout the Mediterranean world, in fact this is where the Greeks get their script too. Phoenician civilization was an enterprising maritime trading culture that spread across the Mediterranean during the period 1550 BCE to 300 BCE. The earliest known inscriptions in Phoenician come from Byblos and date back to ca. 1000 BC. Phoenician inscriptions are found in Lebanon, Syria, Israel, Cyprus and other locations, as late as the early centuries of the Christian Era. Phoenicians are said to be greek in origin, but it is very clear with their Egyptian art work, religious works, dress, and written language that they must have been a blend of Egyptian, and Greek seafarers.

Site below is oldest Hebrew script


Source links

The Holy Land Part 1

Since the dawn of civilization the land between the Egypt and Mesopotamia often called "The Promised Land" has been a major source of trade revenue for whoever controlled it's trade routes. A ancient highway called the Kings Highway was a major source of this trade. Some of this highway seems to have been used before 3000 B.C., there is evidence in the form of pottery which suggests trade from Syria to Egypt dating before the Dynastic period.


When Thutmose III battled in the Mesopotamia he brought down with him into Egypt many royal peoples from that area, and seems to have married at least one of them via the Amarna letters. It is a good chance that Akhenaten's great grandfather had this blood line running through his veins. The Amarna letters a great source of info seems to point out this truth, for they point out that King Kadasman-Enlil I (1364-1350) of Babylonia was either a Fraternal or Blood brother of Akhenaten's father Amenophis III; and that Tusratta king of Mittani was father in law of Amenophis IV better known as Akhenaten (EA 7 & EA 29). So by the time of Akhenaton the royal Egyptian blood line was a blend of cultures from the whole of the Ancient Levant. Most of the correspondance between Egypt and the rest of the Levant were signed from your Brother, impling the blood relation. Of course this blood connections created massive resentment and became a hardship for the Egyptian royality serving as goveners during the Amarna period.

By Rameses III, Egypt had 9 holy temples in Palestine, and Syria in honor of the King of the Gods Amen Ra. This historic fact comes to us via the Harris Papyrus, the biggest papyrus found so far. Some of the cities were Beth-Shan, Ashkelon, Joppa, Gaza, Megiddo, and Timna. It has also been theorized since there has never been any evidence for King Solomon, that the first Temple in Israel was built by the Temple of Amen Ra. There is some evidence in the name of Jerusalem. If one looks at the latin spelling of Jerusalam one would see Herusalem. Heru was the real name of Horus, son of Osiris. Another connection is that the ancient city of Jerusalem was called Urusalem, Uru or Ur is also another name for Horus. Either way Jerusalem is half Egyptian in origin due to it's name.



Another thought that comes in peoples heads is that Ur is purely Mesopotamian in origin, but there was also a Babylon in Egypt. Just out side of Cairo Egypt is a place called fort Babylon. Most people know little about the Fort of Babylon, though certainly the Christians do, because several of their oldest churches are built into or on its walls. Some say that "Babylon, is derived from a corruption of the ancient Egyptian per-hapi-n-On, which means the House of the Nile of On, which was what the earlier Egyptians called Roda Island."

Link to Fort Babylon Egypt

Every year the Temple of Amen Ra would honor the shepherd, king of the dead, Prophet of Amen Ra, Osiris in a Hajj or pigramage from Abydos Egypt to Byblos Syria. This was one of the reasons for needing 9 temples in Palestine and Syria, the other reason was obviously wealth. "Every year a head of papyrus, thrown into the sea at some unknown point of the delta, was carried for six long days along the Syrain coast, buffeted by winds and waves, and on the seventh day was thrown up at Bablos, where the priest recieved it and exibited it solemnly to the people." This holy Hajj linked the Holy Lands inherently with Dynastic Egypt.


Le Papyrus Harris I (BM 9999).(Review) (book review) (book review): An article from: The Journal of the American Oriental Society